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Lone Tree Patriot: Anita Hill's testimony in 1991

Lone Tree Patriot: Anita Hill's testimony in 1991


48" x 30"on canvas

This painting erupted from a deep sense of gratitude for this courageous young woman testifying in a hostile political arena for Clarence Thomas's confirmation to the Supreme Court.  What began as a joyous idea soon turned arduous with many false starts dealing with scale and imagery. It then went through many iterations before I was satisfied with this final solution of balancing it all with color, form,  and texture.  It was only after my painting was done that I realized 30 years had passed since that jaw dropping testimony.  I and many others could not believe what we were hearing.  Women had been experiencing this kind of slimy deterrant to work place comraderie for centuries.  To hear a solo voice speak what had not been spoken was music to my ears and so many others.  Bon Appetit!

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©2020 by Fine Art Work from the Heart and hand of Jacquie Alberga Germanow

 Designed by Oscar Germanow.

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